Comoros spotlighted for its Independence anniversary

Sentinel-2 MSI (2 tiles) acquired on 03 August 2016 at 07:32:40 UTC
Author(s): Sentinel Vision team, VisioTerra, France -
Keyword(s): land, coastal, island, volcano, lava flow, Grande Comore, Comoros
Fig. 1 - S2 MSI - 4/3/2 true colour - Perspective of Grande Comore, island formed by the fusion of two shield volcanoes.
Fig. 2 - S2 MSI - 4/3/2 true colour - Northern part of the island, La Grille volcano and its numerous pyroclastic cones.
Fig. 3 - S2 - 12/8/2 colour composite - Central part of Grande Comore, with several cities located on old lava flows.
Fig. 4 - S2 - 12/11/8 composite - Moroni on the western flank of Karthala, the island' very active southern volcano.