Lasting heatwave in the Mediterranean Sea

Sentinel-3 SLSTR RBT acquired on 26 July 2016 from 08:39:20 to 10:23:19 UTC
Sentinel-3 SLSTR RBT acquired on 27 July 2017 from 07:12:36 to 10:34:34 UTC
Sentinel-3 SLSTR RBT acquired on 28 July 2018 from 07:23:55 to 10:45:54 UTC
Sentinel-3 SLSTR RBT acquired on 27 July 2022 from 08:09:44 to 09:53:44 UTC
Author(s): Sentinel Vision team, VisioTerra, France -
Keyword(s): Climate change, global warming, heatwave, biodiversity.
Fig. 1 - S3 SLSTR (26->28.07.2022) - In 2022, with water up to 6.5°C higher than normal, gorgonians and posidonia are dying off en masse.
With a mean increase in water temperature of +0.04°C a years, the Mediterranean is becoming favourable for the development of tropical species. Traveling through the Suez Canal, tropical species such as the barracuda, the rabbitfish, the lionfish, the octopus fish and the silver-banded puffer fish are now settled in Eastern Mediterranean.
Fig. 2 - S3 SLSTR - 26->28.07.2016->2018 - It forces fish & crustaceans, already threatened by these predators of tropical origin, to migrate.
Fig. 3 - S3 SLSTR (26->28.07.2016->2018; 26->28.07.2022) - Difference on a 3-days period between 2022 and 2016-2018.