Irrigated croplands in Saudi Arabia

Sentinel-1 CSAR IW acquired on 02 May 2017 from 15:04:38 to 15:05:28 UTC
Sentinel-3 OLCI FR acquired on 03 June 2017 at 07:15:36 UTC
Sentinel-1 CSAR IW acquired on 11 June 2017 at 15:23:31 UTC
Author(s): Sentinel Vision team, VisioTerra, France -
Keyword(s): Land, hydrology, agriculture, cropland, irrigation, non renewable water, desalinated water, Saudi Arabia
Fig. 1 - S1 (06.06.2017 & 11.06.2017) - vv,vh,ndi(vh,vv) composite - Juxtaposition of well ordered and misaligned cropland.
On these S1 images, regs & mountains show in yellow / brown, water bodies & ergs in blue, cities in bright yellow / orange.
Fig. 2 - S3 OLCI - 18,10,3 composite - S. Arabia offered subsidies & low-cost water to encourage growing wheat in the desert.
Fig. 3 - S3 OLCI - NDI(17,8) with rainbow LUT - Cropland grew, using 80% of S.A. water, mostly non-renewable or desalinated
Fig. 4 - S1A (16.05.2017) - Consuming non-renewable groundwater depleted ~80% of its total groundwater reserves by 2012.