Gold high in the sky in Grasberg mine, Indonesia

Sentinel-1 CSAR IW acquired on 27 March 2017 at 09:11:59 UTC
Sentinel-2 MSI acquired on 05 December 2017 at 01:17:21 UTC
Sentinel-1 CSAR IW acquired on 09 August 2018 from 20:29:27 to 20:29:52 UTC
Author(s): Sentinel Vision team, VisioTerra, France -
Keyword(s): Land, open pit mine, natural resources, mountain range, island, Papua, Indonesia
Fig. 1 - S1 (09.08.2018) - vv,vh,ndi(vh,vv) colour composite - Grasberg mine lies in Sudirman Range located in Papua, Indonesia.
The Grasberg mine is the largest gold mine and the second largest copper mine in the world. Muruntau is the largest open pit gold mine though.
Fig. 2 - S2 (05.12.2017) - 11,8,2 colour composite - 8km east of the pit is the 4884m high Puncak Jaya and its glacier (cyan).
Fig. 3 - S1 (27.03.2017) - Puncak Jaya is the highest mountain in Indonesia & highest island mountain in the World
Fig. 4 - S2 (05.12.2017) - 4,3,2 natural colour - The Grasberg Open Pit, originally a 4100m high mountain, has been mine down to 3000m.