Looking in the eye of Cyclone Lane as it nears Hawaii

Sentinel-3 SRAL LAND acquired on 21 August 2018 at 07:38:11 UTC
Sentinel-3 SLSTR RBT acquired on 21 August 2018 from 08:03:25 to 08:06:25 UTC
Sentinel-3 SRAL LAND acquired on 21 August 2018 at 20:15:35 UTC
Sentinel-3 SLSTR RBT acquired on 22 August 2018 at 20:09:09 UTC
Sentinel-1 CSAR IW acquired on 23 August 2018 from 04:37:33 to 04:38:23 UTC
Author(s): Sentinel Vision team, VisioTerra, France - svp@visioterra.fr
Keyword(s): Emergency, natural disaster, atmosphere, climate change, wind, hurricane, Hawaii, United States, USA
Fig. 1 - S3 SLSTR (21.08.2018) - S8 band with colour map & shadowing, S8 as elevation - Cat-5 cyclone Lane is nearing Hawaii.
Fig. 2 - S3 SLSTR (22.08.2018) - S6,S5,S3 colour composite, S8 as elevation - The eye is still well visible the day after.
Fig. 3 - S3 SLSTR (22.08.2018) - S8 band with colour map & shadowing, S8 as elevation - It's expected to turn west before landfall.
Hurricane Lane may be the most powerful to hit Hawaii since recorded meteorology started. It reached 240kph sustained winds & 935hPa pressure
Fig. 4 - S1 (23.08.2018) - vv,vh,vv colour composite - Both bands of Sentinel-1 show Lane stretching its arms.
Fig. 5 - S1 (23.08.2018) - vv,vh,vv colour composite, vh as elevation - It went down to cat-4 later the 22.08.2018.