Ganges & Indus cities enjoy the Himalayan landscape

Sentinel-5P TROPOMI NO2 acquired from 29 December 2018 at 06:58:44 to 03 January 2019 at 08:48:44 UTC
Sentinel-3 OLCI FR acquired from 02 April 2020 at 05:24:21 to 06 April 2020 at 04:44:02 UTC
Sentinel-5P TROPOMI NO2 acquired from 27 April 2020 at 08:49:42 to 26 May 2020 at 08:03:12 UTC
Sentinel-3 OLCI FR acquired from 24 May 2020 to 04:35:48 to 26 May 2020 at 05:27:25 UTC
Author(s): Sentinel Vision team, VisioTerra, France -
Keyword(s): Air quality, health, pollution, wind, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Himalaya range.
Fig. 1 - S5P TROPOMI (29.12.2018-03.01.2019) - NO2 column - The Indus-Ganges plains often record some of the worst air pollution levels.
Due to a combination of high population density, topography and low wind speed, air pollution is trapped in a corner by the Himalaya range.
Fig. 2 - S5P TROPOMI (27.04.2020-26.05.2020) - Due to a long lockdown, the pollution has largely decreased in these lands.
Fig. 3 - S3 OLCI (02-06.04.2020) - Cities of the Ganges & Indus plains enjoy the Himalayan landscape for the first time in 30 years.
200km away from Dhauladhar mountain range in Jalandhar, Punjab, inhabitants gathered on rooftops to enjoy the view, a first time for most, several shared photos on social networks - Source.
Fig. 4 - S3 OLCI (24-26.05.2020) - Karachi, Lahore, Delhi, Lucknow, Calcutta, Dacca... are located in these chevron-shaped fertile plains.