Multiple wildfires rage across the Mediterranean coast

Sentinel-5P TROPOMI AER_AI & CO acquired on 17 July 2023 from 10:53:44 to 12:35:14 UTC
Sentinel-3 SLSTR RBT acquired on 18 July 2023 from 07:42:46 to 10:25:48 UTC
Sentinel-3 SLSTR LST acquired on 18 July 2023 from 18:59:40 to 22:21:39 UTC
Sentinel-2 MSI acquired on 19 July 2023 at 10:46:29 UTC
Author(s): Sentinel Vision team, VisioTerra, France -
Keyword(s): Climate change, weather, heatwave, wind, drought, Syria, Greece, Italy, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Portugal
Fig. 1 - S5P TROPOMI (17-31.07.2023) - Carbon Monoxyde over the Mediterranean Sea. Many fires started around the 37th parallel.
Fig. 2 - S5P TROPOMI (17-31.07.2023) - Maximum Aerosol Index - Strong, hot and dry southern wind blew plumes toward north
"A team of climate scientists - the World Weather Attribution group - said this month's intense heatwave in Southern Europe, North America and China would have been virtually impossible without human-induced climate change.", wrote Laurence Peter for the BBC. July 2023 will most certainly be the hottest month ever measured. On Monday 24 July, the Mediterranean Sea reached its highest daily temperature ever at 28.71°C, beating the previous record of 28.25°C set in 2003.
Fig. 3 - S2 (29.07.2023) - A large forest fire happened in Latakia region, near the Turkish border of Syria. Hundreds of crop fires also occurred at S-E.
Fuelled by heat waves, fires are ravaging the Mediterranean basin, particularly in Sicily, although some fires have been extinguished or contained. More than 40 people have died in recent days, mainly in Algeria and Greece.
Fig. 4 - S2 (23.07.2023) - View of a large active fire that ravaged Rhodes, an south-eastern island of Greece.
The BBC article adds: "On the island of Rhodes more than 20,000 people have been evacuated from homes and resorts in the south in recent days. An airport official told AFP news agency that more than 5000 had flown home on more than 40 emergency flights. Tourism accounts for one in five jobs in Greece, and the industry is vital for Rhodes and many other islands."
Fig. 5 - S2 (19.07.2023) - Several fires spread through the Attica region and Eubea island.
Fig. 6 - S2 (25.07.2023) - The touristic island of Corfu, at west of Greece was hit several days later.
Fig. 7 - S2 (31.07.2023) - Tens of wildfires spread across all Sicily and the southern tip of Calabria.
Italy has experienced one of the most complicated days in recent decades - rainstorms, tornadoes and giant hail in the north, and scorching heat and devastating fires in the centre and south. The environmental damage caused by the 338 fires that ravaged the Italian island has yet to be fully assessed, but almost 700 hectares of woodland went up in smoke. Parts of the city of Catania went without water and power after cables burned in temperatures that climbed to 47.6C.
Fig. 8 - S2 (27.07.2023) - Fires in north-west Tunisia and north-east Algeria.
"Fires have also raged in neighbouring Tunisia, where 300 people had to be evacuated from the coastal village of Melloula." according to the BBC article.
Fig. 9 - S3 SLSTR (18-27.07.2023; 23.07.2023) - Tens of wildfires in Central Algeria. They are both visible in middle infrared and in thermal infrared.
"The heaviest death toll so far is in Algeria, where the 34 victims included 10 soldiers surrounded by flames during an evacuation in the coastal province of Bejaia, east of Algiers. Bejaia, 250 km east of Alger, is the worst-hit area, accounting for 23 of the deaths, local media report."
Fig. 10 - S3 SLSTR (18-27.07.2023); S2 (19.07.2023) - Burn index showing fires at N-W and a bigger one at N-E Morocco highlighted by a S2 view.
Fig. 11 - S2 (26.07.2023) - At west of the European continent, a forest fire started at north-west of Lisbon, Portugal.
Portugal did not escape the heatwave unscathed, with more than 600 firefighters deployed to try to put out a fire in a national park on the heights of Cascais, near the capital Lisbon. Local residents were evacuated from the small village of Zambujeiro - some by wheelchairs - but no injuries were reported.