Partial opening of the New Coastal Road, La Réunion, France

Landsat OLI-TIRS acquired on 19 September 2013 at 06:17:44 UTC
Sentinel-1 CSAR IW acquired on 04 October 2014 at 01:46:44 UTC
Sentinel-2 MSI acquired on 26 May 2022 at 06:35:21 UTC
Sentinel-1 CSAR IW acquired on 23 August 2022 at 01:47:07 UTC
Author(s): Sentinel Vision team, VisioTerra, France -
Keyword(s): Coastal, island, infrastructure, road, erosion, France
Fig. 1 - S1 (30.07.2022->23.08.2022) - NW of volcanic Réunion island, the current 12 km coastal road is to be replaced due to erosion-related risks.
Fig. 2 - L8 (19.09.2013), S2 (26.05.2022), S1 (04->28.10.2014; 30.07->23.08.2022) - This road is very costly due to technical difficulties.