Hundreds evacuate floods in Australian Northern Territory

Sentinel-1 CSAR IW acquired on 06 February 2023 from 20:49:22 to 20:50:37 UTC
Sentinel-1 CSAR IW acquired on 02 March 2023 from 20:49:22 to 20:50:37 UTC
Sentinel-2 MSI acquired on 10 March 2023 at 01:36:59 UTC
Author(s): Sentinel Vision team, VisioTerra, France -
Keyword(s): Emergency, natural disaster, rainfall, precipitation, hydrology, urban planning, Australia
Fig. 1 - S1 (06.02.2023 / 02.03.2023) - Rivers flooded (showing in blue) in north-west Australia following heavy rain.
Authorities in Australia’s Northern Territory have ordered the evacuation of communities in the Victoria Daly Region after persistent heavy rain caused rivers to overflow.
Fig. 2 - S2 (10.03.2023) - The Victoria River stood 3 meters over the major flood stage, endangering settlements built inside the valley.
Areas of Pigeonhole are known to be prone to flooding and the Regional Council said it has advocated for the relocation of houses in the community for a number of years.