S3 commemorates peace in Europe

Sentinel-3 SLSTR RBT acquired on 15 March 2017 at 10:02:21 UTC
Sentinel-3 SLSTR RBT acquired on 05 May 2017 at 11:20:56 UTC
Author(s): Sentinel Vision team, VisioTerra, France - svp@visioterra.fr
Keyword(s): land, forestry, agriculture, Spring, peace, war, Europe
Fig. 1 - S3 SLSTR mosaic of Europe from mid-March to early May - 2-3-1 colour composite.
Fig. 2 - The wide swath of radiance products limits homogeneity within images but eases mosaicking of continents - 3-2-1 colour composite.
Fig. 3 - NDVI values tend to be higher in the most recent images of this mosaic acquired Spring 2017 - NDVI with rainbow LUT.
Fig. 4 - Thermal bands bring complementary information about land cover - thermal band with rainbow look up table.